The Victory Garden – Coldlabel
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The Victory Garden

In 1942 George Washington Carver published “Natures Garden for Victory and Peace” at HBCU Tuskegee Institute in Alabama.  It was written during WWII to promote civilians’ planting small home gardens in order to supplement rations, boost morale, improve health, wellness & beauty. He coined the term “Victory Garden” that is still used to describe supplemental home gardens during times of war/crisis.

Fast forward to today, Victory Gardens are needed more than ever, especially during this covid-19 pandemic. The modern diet consists of processed and unhealthy foods and most of what is considered healthy is often overpriced not necessarily whole.  Some have even referred to the home garden as a modern arch to stress the importance of having one going forward. We are, in a sense, at war with everything that’s not fresh.. & we are indeed fresh.

Your Victory Garden does not need to be big or fancy. The simplest gardens can be planted in pots and will still yield an abundance of fresh vegetables and herbs when properly cared for. Take time to do a quick search for general information on starting your small garden. Your local hardware/garden stores usually have a good variety of popular and hardy plants. Don’t forget to share with your loved ones!

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